Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pray the Prayer That Cannot Fail

I have just finished reading the 9 books of
the Mitford series by Jan Karon.
If you have been around me recently you have
probably heard me refer to them and the
 profoundly inspiring effect they have had on my life.

I could write blog after blog about Father Tim
and the idyllic town of Mitford.
I am going to begin in this busy season, however,
by sharing one of my most unforgettable
take-aways from the series.
Because it is so appropriate and so vital for today
and every day of our lives.
And it is one I will never forget.

Early on in the series Father Tim recommended praying
"the prayer that cannot fail."
At first (and maybe second and third...) reference
he did not elaborate as to what that prayer was.
I thought I knew. Do you?

"Thy will be done."

Actually, in today's world this prayer takes
great pressure from me.
I don't feel responsible to fact check or
"Snopes" everything, knowing I can probably
never know the whole and complete truth.
I can trust Him.

"Thy will be done."

What about when it gets personal?
As humans we tend to think we know what is best
 for our lives and want to "make reommendations"
to God. That is not faith. That is not trust.
In my life, Father God,

"Thy will be done."

What about in our church?
Do we try to make worship too much about us?
Do we need to enter God's sanctuary with a
different attitude? An attitude of...

"Thy will be done."

I do.
 I'm so thankful for the unbelievable privilege
 of going to Almighty God, my Creator and yours
and the Creator of the universe, 
knowing that He holds me, you, and that universe
in His mighty hands.
And that I can trust that His will is the best 
for us all.