Saturday, June 15, 2013

On Second Thought, I Did Have Fear

This morning I need to tell you something about my trip to Israel.
I told you HERE that I was never afraid while there.
The last couple of days before we left, however, I did get rather overcome with fear.
I was not afraid for my safety.
I was afraid for my health and stamina.
God blessed me with a method of overcoming that fear.
You know what it was?
He placed a song on my heart.
I must have sung it a hundred times.
God will take care of me...through every day, o'er all the way.
He will take care of me.
God will take care...of me.

(The actual words are "take care of you," but I substituted me.)
I felt a perfect peace, as well I should have!  

Now I joke about my age, but that *# stands for 75!  That will soon be 76!
If I had known how far I would have to walk, how many steps I would have to climb, how rough the terrain would be on occasion, how early I would have to get up every morning, 
and how uncharacteristically hot it would be,
I might not have gone.
What a shame that would have been!
I made it fine!  I don't think I ever slowed the group down.
I only "wimped out" once--at Qumran--for a very short time.  
Was this a miracle?  Yes...but remember Ephesians 3:20-21:

Now to Him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever.

He told me He would take care of me.
The only thing I was not taking into consideration was that
He would do far more than I asked or even imagined. 

This has become a theme in my life.

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