Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Oh, Donald!

A debate!
At least you're admitting that debating is 
not your thing.
(And I, for one, do not care!
Good debate skills don't qualify one to get us out of 
the mess we're in.)

I hope you do not cave in to the speech writers
and image makers.
(I doubt that's even possible with you!)
It should be refreshing to see someone 
"tell it like it is!"
To hear someone speak the truth,
even if it is not politically correct or
designed simply to obtain votes.

Now, I NEVER watch debates.
The contentiousness makes me too nervous.
However, I may have to watch this one.
You will find me hiding behind my recliner
peeping around the edge so I can
avert my eyes and cover my ears
 if I feel it necessary.

So, have at it you professional, slick debaters.
Show me the person who knows how to
Who may be able to see to it that my children
have the Social Security for which they have paid!

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