I tend to notice things about myself (usually failings)
and think they are unique to me.
Case in point:
I realized later in life that if I don't feel I can do
something perfectly,
I just don't do it all.
Or...at the very least, I procrastinate.
My cousin introduced me to an appropoś phrase.
I am "paralyzed by perfection."
We "paralyzed by perfection" people
just "throw something together."
If we say we're going to...don't believe it.
If it takes staying up all night,
we keep after it until it is perfect.
When Susan began first grade (in Lubbock)
I made her five new dresses to wear the
first week of school.
There's no telling how long it took me to
make these dresses, because I made
them about three times each.
If every stitch wasn't perfect, it was
ripped out and redone.
Sewing was one place where my malady was
most strongly obvious and most irritating!
So...I just don't sew any more.
Another example. How long does it take to
make a bed?
It depends on whether you are p by p or not.
It takes me forever.
The bottom sheet must be absolutely smooth.
The top sheet must be turned back over
the blanket equally all the way across.
Does all this show when completed?
Perfectionism is definitely not a fruit of the Spirit.
It is not a virtue.
I am not bragging!
It is, in fact, a real pain.
The results can be very pleasing, however.
The meals I put on my family's table were always
so good, if I do say so myself, and I do.
Could they have been just as good if
"just thrown together?"
Probably, just NOT BY ME.
Oh, and take a look at this Monopoly board I
cross stitched!
Imagine how long this took Miss Perfection!
And try to find a mis-stitch. You won't!

It's a treasure, and it is perfect.