Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Back Where I Belong

Last Sunday I was there! I was not in my usual pew, but I was sitting in the beautiful chapel of Fielder Church. It was the first Sunday for all of us who love attending the "Blended Service." I thought I would report to those of you who might be wondering what it was like. I must admit right off that my attendance was closely monitored by three little Mama Bears: Susan Metzger, Mary Dollar, and Donna Dupree. My spot to sit was carefully chosen and reserved. I had received instructions on maintaining  safe distances. I was watched like a hawk! As a result, I felt perfectly safe. Here I am. Taking a selfie is such serious business that I forgot to smile--and it shows in my eyes!

My assigned seat was on the front row, but from that vantage point it looked like everyone was cooperating on the mask front!
Every other row is taped off, so social distancing when seated is easy. I think it becomes more difficult to maintain a 6 foot apart distance when friendly Baptists are moving about. 

The music was FABULOUS! Dave Dupree's selections were phenomenal. We sang beloved hymns which stirred my soul. I especially loved that we as a congregation sang the beautiful He Is.  And our fabulous Karen Dotson sang Jesus, It is You

 Rob and Susan Metzger, Karen Dotson, and Brandy Burkey. 
And Dave Dupree was at his music stand in the center.
(Now this was from my seat y'all--no bias intended!)
As you can see, there were some beautiful strings, and some percussion you cannot see!

Then we had our usual  INCOMPARABLE sermon from Pastor Jason! And did he ever have a hum dinger of a passage to share with us. He told us it was going to be a soap opera, but I don't think many of us realized the absolute truth in that statement. If you missed it, please go to You Tube and watch! Just search for Fielder Church, then here's what it looks like:

You'll learn of the two most powerful words in the world. You will also learn about a most unlikely man to have a place in the genealogy of Jesus.

I have actually loved our Sunday services from the comfort of my home. I have looked into the eyes of Jason and our other pastors and felt they were speaking just to me. But I have missed our gathering with each other. The singing together, even with masks. And Jason's excitement Sunday was contagious as he had his live, responsive congregation "back in the house!"

We will continue to have our online service on Sunday morning as a fourth campus. You can always find it on You Tube as above. I want to encourage those of you who are able, however, to come back in person. I felt perfectly safe and gloriously blessed. And we don't want Satan to reap any benefit from our summer of separation!

"And let us consider how to stir up one another
to love and good works,
not neglecting to meet together...."
Hebrews 10:24-25


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