Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Sabbath Peeve

So here's the scenario.  I live quite a distance from Fielder Church, where I worship every Sunday.  For a reasonable, prudent (pokey-tail) driver, the trip should take about 20 minutes, I would guess.  I, however, do not usually (ever) have that much time to spend.  So, what I do is go into "Suga' Mama" mode.  Now I don't really know who "Suga' Mama" is, but I was given this name by Madeline and Susannah when they rode with me in their car-seat years.  I do suspect it has something to do with the speed I drive.

So...back to Sunday morning.  My "pettest" pet peeve of all is anyone who gets ahead of me on two-lane Shorewood driving the speed limit or less when I'm on my way to church.  This morning I was forced to pass this old codger in a pickup truck, and would you believe he honked at me?  If I hadn't needed both hands on the wheel, I would have picked up my Bible and waved it at him to let him know it was for a good purpose!

What adds insult to injury (cause I usually can't or don't pass!) is that when pokey-tail turns onto four-lane Perkins Road, it's like he's been shot out of a cannon!  BOOM!  I can finally pass, but...he's off like a rocket!

Now, don't send me any cards or letters suggesting that I might consider leaving home a little earlier.  I'm planning to do that next Sunday.  Oh, no!  I just heard this morning that next Sunday is time change Sunday--the bad way.  What do you think the chances are that I'll be needing to wave my Bible again? 


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