Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Pet Peeves of My Exclamation Point Life

I couldn't decide whether to do a "my favorite things" or a "my pet peeves" blog first.  I'm afraid it says something negative about my personality that I chose the latter.

Here we go.  I just can't stand litterbugs.  Whether it be someone disposing of an old sofa under the I-20 bridge or someone throwing a sack of fast food remains out of their car--it drives me nuts!  I won't even throw a peppermint wrapper out the window! We should not have to have crews out constantly picking up after slobby people!  And I should not have to step over this as I exit my car at Arlington Memorial Hospital!

Coming in at #2 has to be anyone who kicks the back of my seat.  I am unreasonably rabid about this!  One year we got seats directly in front of what must have been the tallest man attending the Fort Worth Symphony Pops.  His foot was constantly in contact with my seat back.  At intermission we moved!  And I asked for different seats the next year. 

I can't stand commercials that feature mouth noises.  Like people biting a Twix or a pickle or chomping DORITOS.  I reach for the mute button as fast as possible.  Didn't their mothers teach them any manners?

I seriously can't stand speed traps on access roads.  This might have something to do with the fact that (I know you will be shocked by this) I have been stopped for speeding three (3) times in my life.  All three were on access roads.  In my humble opinion, the PoPo's time would be better spent on the nearby I-20 where there is an accident almost every day of the world.  I have NEVER seen an accident on the access roads where I was stopped.  Oh, in case you were wondering...I got two tickets.  I smiled my way out of one!

I don't like drivers who can't make good square left turns.  You know, the ones that come within an inch of clipping the front of your car if you are stopped waiting at a signal.  Or if you see them coming, you stop way back.  Not me...I make a nice 90 degree angle left.  Well, most of the time anyway.

This one really shouldn't be so far down on my list.  It is:  people who sneeze or blow their nose just as loudly as possible in public.  It seems as if they're going for the Guinness record for loudest "a-a-A-CHOO" or nose honk!  I just can't think of anything else acceptable to say about how gross this is and how peevish it makes me. 

You probably already know this one if you know me very well: folks who sneer at Judge Judy really get my dander up.  She is smart, people, and very funny.  She tells it like it is, often saying "Get a J.O.B." since the majority of her litigants seem to be on welfare.  Yes, you'll see your tax dollars at work.

I've actually been working on this very important (not) list for several days now.  I remembered one that only happens when traveling.  People who let their hotel room doors close, bang, SLAM, as noisily as they can make me fume!  Some feel called upon to do it over and over in the wee hours of the morning.  I or we usually got up early, and considered returning the favor.  But we didn't.  Yeah, too nice.

I have one other peeve which is sooo BIG that it demands its own blog.  Stay tuned--it's coming soon to a computer near you.





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