Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Roses Are Crying "Help!"

At a distance my rose garden is quite attractive.

It is very pleasant to glance at the garden
 as I turn in the driveway.
(I know you can sense a "but" coming!)


I have never claimed to have a green thumb,
which becomes obvious upon closer inspection
of these roses. 

In the first place, there are about a jillion blooms
on some of the bushes.

This is just one bush.
I've tried talking to them.
"Hey, guys, couldn't we go for a little quality here
rather than so much quantity?"

Then there's the ugly brown edging on some of
the blooms.
 And these would be such a beautiful color!

After a few more weeks, I will probably also see 
black spots on some of the roses.
At least I have in the past.

Any advice from you rose experts out there?

I did find this one pretty flower.

One out of ten jillion!!!

H E L P !

1 comment:

  1. Well, obviously black thumbs run in the family. But you do have that gorgeous Christmas cactus in your sun room that blooms spectacularly with little or no effort, so that's something to think about. And your one beautiful yellow rose (of Texas) is lovely. Don't you have a gardener you could call on? Surely there's some magic fix for quality over quantity. :-)
