Sunday, April 13, 2014

Oh, no. It's Spring.

This is what I see out my kitchen window in the spring.
It is even more brilliantly red than it appears here.
This is what I love about spring.

That's it.

After spring comes summer.
There is absolutely nothing I love about summer.
(Except that my schoolteacher friends don't
have to teach every day.)

With very fair skin, you certainly
won't find me "sun worshiping."
I already have my dermatologist on speed dial.

I do not like sweating perspiring.  At all. 
I find it gauche (which rhymes with gross.)

In order to keep Charleigh-Girl and me from
sweating perspiring,
I have to take out bank loans to pay our
summer electric bills.

I do not like mosquitoes, but they LOVE me.
I liked my own children, but I do not like all the
 pesky children swarming everywhere you go
in the summer.

TV shows are all reruns in the summer.
(No new Judge Judy=depressing.)

When all is said and done, I will cheerfully 
greet and love
each and every new day of my life and say,
 "This is the day the Lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

Susan taught her girls to say, not that they
didn't like something, but that it 
"wasn't their favorite."

Spring and summer just aren't my favorite
times of the year. 


  1. Just think of all the people still shoveling snow out their driveways. I love Spring and Summer and I love Texas!!

  2. Oh, yeah. I wouldn't like shoveling snow either. I'm surprised and glad that you love Texas!
