Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Lesson in Humility

If you're reading this you probably know that Kara Smith, AA flight attendant, accompanied me to Haiti.  It's probably more accurate that I accompanied her.  She knows how to open doors, figuratively and literally, as you will see.

The Miami airport is much worse than Chicago if you ask me.  We arrived on our return from Port-au-Prince at Gate 2 and had to go to Gate 30 on the train to even start walking to customs.  We walked for at least a mile at top speed (for me at least!) because Kara had to work the next day and was hoping to get on an earlier flight to DFW.  We arrived at the gate at 4:10, the exact time the plane was to depart, but they were delayed and let Kara on!  She was hesitant about leaving me, but we thought surely I could get on one last flight for home by myself!

When my flight was called, I marched right up because I had had to spend double miles in order to get home, thus I was flying in first class!  As I got in line, an "old" couple got in front of me, and I could see from their boarding passes that they were in Group 1--that's coach!  I was hoping the ticket agent would catch it and make them wait.  How's that for a Christian spirit on a humanitarian mission!  Sure enough, she did and made them step aside for moi.  I then march through the door to the jet bridge and stop.  I can't find the door through which to proceed.  There is a metal elevator-type door, and a glass door which I can tell isn't the one.  I kinda fumble around, and the next man through stumbles around behind me.  The third or fourth man after me finally walks up to the "elevator" door, and it opens revealing the jet way.

Kara had told me at least once, maybe twice to "keep going" when I got to one of those doors.  I just forgot. 


  1. I'm so glad you have a blog!! Can you post pictures from your trip over???

  2. No, I don't have any idea how. Can you send any hints?
