Monday, December 23, 2013

'Twas the Night Before Christmas Eve

And I am much more ready than usual!
The only true casualty of the season:
Christmas cards.
I had the picture all planned, but I didn't
make it happen.  Sigh...
I do love the cards I've received!

Not sending Christmas cards left me time to make
my Christmas cookies, however!
My kids began asking for them last year--
quite a surprise to me since they
 are nutty (the cookies not the kids!)
Chock full of nuts! 
But they are just about the best thing ever!
If I do say so myself, and I do.

 Now I feel obliged to tell you that this
picture is carefully staged.
I know.  You're surprised.
Would you like to see what the kitchen
looks like after this mammoth production?
Well, have a look.

And it's 5:00 P.M.!  I started at 10:15 A. M.!
But I've taken a few breaks!

I still have a couple of gifts to pick up.
That's bad.
One won't be ready until tomorrow.
Oh well, I think mixing it up with the masses
kinda sounds like fun.
We'll see what I say after!

My Christmas cactus is...well...not 
quite on schedule.
I think I should have talked to it earlier.
Here it is:

It still looks pretty much the same.
It has lots of buds (predominantly on one side--
I should have rotated it!)

There are a few blooms.  Here are two.

When I got it the blooms were smaller and more
intensely colored.
What will happen, and when?
Stay tuned!

My sweet family will be here on the 26th when
Jay and Terri get back in town.
I will get to be at the Metzger's home on
Christmas morning for Santa Claus's
20th visit.
And the traditional fabulous breakfast!

It's A Wonderful Life!!!



Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Please, Lord, I Was Already Sorry

If you see me tonight, you will notice I am limping.
Not as bad as I'll want to limp, however.
My left ankle is injured.
I kept thinking all morning about 
those football players
from Sunday's game and how they would
 not even notice this minor problem. 

Ouch, ouch.
No, not really.  It doesn't hurt sitting down!

I could not figure out what I had done to cause
this problem.
Did I sleep wrong on it?
Was it the marathon shoe-trying-on-spree
Susan put me through yesterday?
(She's determined to get me a new shoe
wardrobe--and rightly so!)

And then it came to me.

On the way home from the shoe thing 
I was hungry.
I heard a commercial on the radio for
Arby's Hawaiian roll roast been sandwich.
Yum.  Just what I needed wanted.
And right on my way!

So...I wheeled in to the drive through.
There was one car ahead of me.
"Good.  This won't take long."
I played a little Scrabble on my phone.
I pondered..."Is it taking him/her this long to make
up his/her mind?"
I rolled a little closer.  (Hint, hint!)
I lectured myself about patience and that this
was definitely a first world problem.

I would guess I actually waited 10 minutes.
The cars behind me in line were
beginning to honk.  (Well---one did.)

And the car just sat there.
I was completely trapped.  No escape.

I hope none of you were in that line,
I had finally HAD IT.
I threw open my car door and 
stormed up the sidewalk into the building.
Yes, I really did.
I opened the door and said yelled,
"What is the deal with the drive-thru?"
They looked shocked but didn't answer,
so I said yelled it again!

The girl standing near the drive-thru 
window finally said, "Our system (speaker)
is completely down."
So I said, "Why didn't you send
someone out there to tell us?"
And stormed out.

By the time I got back to my car,
and reported to the lady behind me
in line, the car ahead of me had
finally moved.
I imagine seeing me go inside made him/her
rethink their decision to sit there
the rest of the night!

In answer to your next expected question.
No, I did not get my sandwich.
I drove out when I finally could, after at
least 20 minutes.
I was afraid they would do something
mean to my sandwich.

I'm sure I twisted my ankle in my haste
to set Arby's straight.
Please forgive me, Lord.
I am really sorry that I acted in such an
unladylike, unchristian, manner.
And I sincerely hope nobody who knows
me, except You, saw it.
And that my ankle is better tomorrow.

And I am sooo hungry for one of those
Hawaiian roast been sandwiches.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Are You a Big Spender?

This all started with one of my favorite jokes.
"Do you know the definition of a Big Spender?
Someone who puts premium gas in a rent car!"
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
I just love that!

So I came up with some more determining

You are a big spender if...
You had your car washed this week and
then drove through our disgusting slush pools. 

You are a big spender if...
You mail a Christmas card to your
next door neighbor.
(Count me in--been there, done that.)

And finally,
 You are a big spender if...
You buy a "premium" seat on an 
airplane after paying a hefty price for
the privilege of sitting on the thing
in the first place.

So, how about it?
Do you have some examples of
Big Spenders? 

Wait...can't believe I forgot this one!
Anyone who buys something full price at
Hobby Lobby
buys anything without a coupon at
Bed Bath and Beyond
is a Big Spender!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tweaked to Squeaky Perfection

Twas the 4th day of Icemageddon
and all through the house,
Everything was tweaked, including the mouse.
 The work is all done
It's Christmas-y everywhere,
But the weather is horrid,
and there's no way to share!

Oh, yes there is!  I just remembered!  
You can look from your warm, comfy chair!

The most important thing is...
the beautiful nativity Jack bought for me.

I have a new love for my camels, since I got
 to meet one up close and personal this year!

And here's my kitchen nativity:

Here's the tree

And the stairway

This foxy couple watches those entering!
(If any could!)
And these guys overlook the diners!
(The lady frog croaks "Jingle Bells!")

Does anyone else still have this fellow?
He is "Shivers," and he shakes with fear or cold.
The girls used to hold and comfort him.
"It's okay, Shivers!"
Here he is in his spot on the catwalk.

For a couple of years this etagere would not open.
This year it will.
 It was so much fun tweaking
it to the required perfection!
Many treasures are displayed here.
Gifts from Shirley Branham and Brenda Riddle.
Waterford flutes from our 50th celebration.
Some things old...some things new.

And here's the bird house mansion!

This beautiful angel was new last Christmas.
She is impossible to photograph, but
take my word for it...

From the sublime to the just plain fun...

The table is set and ready for guests!
The plate of the year purchased...
 Sure hope some guests are able to arrive!

Now here's something I hope I can update
in the near future!
This is a Christmas cactus I received 
last year as a gift,
 loaded with blooms.
Will it bloom again for Christmas?

Since I do not have even one green thumb,
I am doubting that it will.
However, there is a little hope.
That is an ultra close-up of a bud, and there
are a few more. 
Every morning I check for new blooms.
Did I give it too much light? Or not enough?
Did I over water it? Or let it get too dry?
What will happen?
It was really beautiful with flowers!
 Stay tuned!
After all...hope was born at Christmastime.