Monday, September 5, 2011

An Unexpected Reason for Gratitude

I am proud to count among my friends a beautiful young mom named Shay Shull.  Shay is Darlene Mitchell's granddaughter.  Darlene told the bridge group about Shay's blog, and I have followed it faithfully ever since.  Her blog actually got me interested in blogging myself.

For 13 years Shay journaled in something called The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude.  Her mom, Sherry, bought her the first journal while Shay was still in high school.  She never missed a day for those 13 years--not a day!  The journal provides lines for 5 things for which one is thankful each day.  Now these are not intended to be big things like our family or the Bible, but small things like...finding a close parking place at the mall or having a nice Sunday nap.

Well, I just loved this idea.  It was "right down my alley," so I ordered the journal from Amazon.  To say I haven't been quite as faithful to the journal as Shay would be a gross understatement.  I journal for one day and skip five.  Let's just say my journal will be re-usable next year.

Let's also say what brought the journal to mind this morning is highly unusual.  It is coffee.  Yes, this morning I am thankful that God made coffee.  It is the first cool morning after a torturously, miserably hot summer.  It is amazing how many Facebook entries mention coffee drinking in this beautiful, cool weather, including mine.  I said,  "I sat out on the swing and drank my coffee this morning." 

Just think...without coffee we wouldn't have Starbucks!  We would probably be far less social, less perky creatures.  Life without my Keurig?  I don't think so!  

So raise your cup of whatever flavor or unflavor of joe you prefer and toast with me to the coming of fall to Texas!  And be thankful, oh so thankful!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I sure enjoyed my caffeine free hazelnut creme coffee this morning, on what should be a warmer day.'a April 24th, 2013. And we set a record last night for cold temp.
    Who knows if you will ever see this...I'm posting anyhow, just to let you know someone out here loves you and thinks you are wonderfully clever, funny, and you have a beautiful soul!!!
