Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Aunt Marcille

Have you missed me?  Well, I've been in Tucson, Arizona, celebrating the 90th birthday of my only living aunt, Marcille Lynn.  Actually, she is my aunt by marriage.  Her husband (Sarah's dad) was my father's younger brother.

If I were a wagering woman, I would bet you 10 to 1 (whatever that means) that you have never known anyone like Marcille.  Here I am handing her a birthday card which says, "90 Incredible Years."  That is very appropriate!

Now I had told Marcille we would do whatever she wanted to celebrate her birthday.  Personally, I was hoping she might choose a trip to the Canyon Ranch Spa for a mani-pedi or a massage.  Instead, she wanted the three of us to hike in Catalina State Park, where she has volunteered for 27 years.  She used to lead hikes and move rocks to arrange trails (!) but now she just collects entrance fees.  So off we went, searching for wild Mexican poppies.  She says we just went 2 1/2 miles.  It sure felt like more to this "youngster."

After the hike we went to lunch, where I presented her card, then to a butterfly exhibit at the Desert Museum.  Marcille is also a docent of long standing at the museum, and has a host of friends there. 

I'm summarizing this day very briefly, but it was exhausting to Sarah and me.  I don't think Marcille was as wiped out as we were!   Doesn't she still look pretty perky?

This perky little lady loves University of Arizona basketball.  She goes to all the home games with her grandson or great-grandson, if one or the other is available.  If not, she goes by herself!  She prepared breakfast for the whole family on a previous visit.  This time she treated the family to breakfast at her favorite spot.  She goes to theatre productions frequently.  In fact, she took us to see a most delightful one-woman show, Shirley Valentine, while I was there.  She had seen it several times before!

Marcille is an inspiration to me when it comes to maintaining physical strength through activity.  I remember that she was always hiking or mountain climbing when I was a growing up.  She told me that when she was 72 she had to be air lifted from the north rim of the Grand Canyon.  She had fallen and suffered a shoulder injury, but that certainly didn't stop her!  And you think I'm brave in traveling alone?  She is going to Costa Rica in May--alone--at 90!

This incident just took the cake!  I got home without a program for Shirley Valentine.  I have a special keepsake box for all my playbills, so I was disappointed.  Marcille drove back out to the theatre, got one for me, and drove by and left it in Sarah's mailbox on the way home from the U of A basketball game to which she had driven by herself--at night!

Marcille Lynn is one special aunt and lady.  I've got to go walk on my treadmill in my air conditioned exercise room while I watch my satellite TV.  That will make me like Marcille.  Won't it?

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