Saturday, November 10, 2018

I'm Relinquishing My Packing Credentials

My packing skills sank to a new low this trip to NY.
To have traveled as much as I (we) have (had) I have
maintained a very good track record so far as not
leaving essentials at home.
Jack always said he furnished the muscle and the money.
I--the planning and packing (for him, too.)

I distinctly remember the necessities which
I have left at home through the years.
The first vital item was one of these:

Now I can just hear some of you snickering or even 
guffawing about this being a necessity, but don't forget:

and one of those combs is essential.

As it turned out a very minor miracle occurred.
We were sailing from a port in Europe, but one of the
hair stylists was onboard for her first cruise.
She hailed from South Africa,
and, guess what? She had brought several of
those combs with her and sold me one!
Disaster averted! The trip was saved!

The next essential I left home without was:

This time we were spending a night in Barcelona
before we cruised, so I knew I could buy some. 
If I could get over to the salesperson what I needed.
No speaka da language. No matter how hard I tried.
We went two places. It took forever, but
I finally stuck my finger in my ear and acted like
I was cleaning it.
Voila! Mission accomplie!
(I guess the Spainards haven't gotten word that one
is not supposed to stick anything smaller than one's
elbow in one's ear.)
That little box is the actual one I bought years ago.
I still carry it every trip.

This is the item I have most often wished I had brought.

A small purse because I don't want to lug my big
travel purse around.
The straw one standing up came from Hawaii.
The striped one I have nearly worn out is from one
of the Caribbean islands.
The black is a $10 sale item from one of the ships.

An item left at home on my last 2 trips:

Can you tell that's an umbrella?
It was bought onboard the Independence of the Seas
on my very last cruise. 

It was pouring, and quite a way back to the ship.
Good job, me, buying it and bringing it!

So I had just bought that umbrella, but did I take it
on our New York trip? No.
Got drenched at the airport in Albany.

But the umbrella is by far not the most important
thing I left home on my recent trip.
My omission was truly earth shaking.

This makeup bag has been around the world with me...
but not to Albany, NY.
No, it was fully packed and left in my bathroom.
Say it isn't so, but it is.
Every item I use to look like this when I get up every
morning (?) was in that bag. At home.

So what did I do?
The other half of the Traveling Grannies rescued me.
My almost sister Shirley generously loaned me
everything I needed.
She even fixed my wilted hair for me so I could
maintain my image!

So you'd better quit sending me all those cards and
letters asking for packing advice.
(Not really--I haven't received a one.)
But if I start handing any out, kindly remind me 
of my track record.

Actually, a serious question arises here.
Shouldn't I be getting better at this, not worse?


Post dedicated to:
 Shirley Anne Logan Metzger Branham
My Heroine

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