Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I Am Now A Curves Girl!

Do you know about Curves?
It's an exercise program to strenghten women 
who don't want to get their hair messed up.
(Actually that is true of me--not everyone!)
It involves a series of 11 machines which work out
many muscles--arms, legs, back, etc.
One of the best things about Curves is that the
entire workout can be done in 30 minutes.

I've been going since January, but today was my
first progress weigh and measure.
Now before you even think about telling me that
I look better--don't, because I don't.
I had gained two pounds and two inches.
I think the workouts make me hungry. 
But...I feel like I am more flexible, which is
what I am really after!
(Liar, liar, pants on fire. I wanna be skinny!) 

I love the owner, Patti, and her assistant, Betty.
I have made many new friends there.
Betty took some pictures today for me to show you.

My descriptions of the machines are extremely
brief and basic.
Patti and Betty describe their benefits in much
greater and more thorough detail.

This machine twists from side to side while on your
knees to slim your waist! 
My grandmother of the bride dress will probably
have a belted tiny waist!

This one is to reduce "jiggle arm!"

This one is leg strengthening. You push back a 
pedal with one leg.
I feel this is very good for both my knees--
the new and the old!

Again, knee strengthening.
Pleased that I can do this without pain.

This one will kick your buttricks! (My grandmother's
word!) My face is an epic fail at a strained look!
My girls got their acting skills from me.

Believe it or not, at my age it is an accomplishment
to be able to reach this high over one's head!

Now would you believe me if I said I just can't wait
to go exercise 3-4 times a week?
Well, you shouldn't. I'm more like this:

But when I get up and get there, I'm like this:

Thanks, Karen Ellen Anderson, my young friend, 
for recommending Curves.
I really feel like it is ideal for me.
Feel free to ask me questions about my experience.
I've been going almost two months now.
I'm an expert!


  1. I love this! I may just join you, or are you going like Cruising...all alone?

  2. We love you Linda. I shared our on facebook page for all to see!

  3. You go girl! Feeling better is so wonderful. I to just started Curves and it is the best decision I ever made. Keep up the good work!
