Thursday, April 23, 2020

Politics and Religion: A Conundrum

Conundrum: An intricate and difficult problem;
a dilemma.

We've been taught that one does not discuss 
politics or religion in polite society.

Jesus says: "But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will
be my witnesses to the ends of the earth."
Acts: 1:8

and, in our Great Commission:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
Matthew 28:19

Since I am pretty much surrounded by Christian
friends here at home, this conundrum has most
often presented itself to me at dining tables
on the cruise ships I have been blessed to sail.
On one recent and memorable one, this is how it went.

There were just 5 of us at our table.
I bought these two "diamond" rings for myself
late in the voyage
with a plan in mind that one of them would be 
helpful in sharing my faith.

That night at dinner I showed my companions my
purchases and said that the anchor ring was especially
meaningful to me, as I was a Christian 
and my life is securely anchored to Jesus.

Now later the husband of the couple at the table
started to share with me in private that they were
Christians, too, but his wife shushed him.
Evidently she ascribes to the theory stated above.
No talk of "religion."

I do not want to discuss religion.
My faith in Jesus is a relationship, not a religion.
I don't wish to force my beliefs on anyone.
I just want to tell the Good News that Jesus saves!
I want to share how one can have peace
 here on this earth and indescribable joy
in heaven with God forever, unendingly, eternally.

I always think of this analogy.
If I found out about a cure, a medication for a disease 
from which a person suffered, and I offered
to tell him or her about it, 
would any refuse and accuse me of "forcing" my idea?
And yet, I know the marvelous truth which is better
 than any cure, better than the "fountain of youth."
I want all to be able to sing...

"When we've been there 10,000 years,
bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun."


I had such a good time reminiscing about this 
cruise as I wrote this, that I thought you
might, too.



P. S. I have followed up with Paul.
I sent him a Bible and a book,
"More Than a Carpenter."
He thanked me, and we have continued to
correspond occasionally.
In fact, I need to write him now!

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