Friday, March 22, 2024

Life Update

I'm up in the wee hours drinking hot chocolate because I can't fall asleep. This is the 312th night I have gone to bed not knowing what is wrong with me. I just counted.

I finally got to see a pulmonologist this week, but he needed radiology results before he could make a diagnosis. I did have a lung function test which went very well and showed I did not have COPD or asthma. My heart also checked out pretty good for its age. I am no longer in Afib. I am still on supplemental oxygen all day and night, and my O2 level still drops into the 80's with any exertion. The doctor had me raise the output level a notch. I have portable oxygen now, so I am not homebound. 

The pulmonologist encouraged me to exercise, and he loved the plan Susan had suggested for me. I go to a large facility which has baskets (like Pottery Barn Outlet), and put my oxygen concentrator in the basket. I walked over 2000 steps Tuesday using that plan...and shopping! I haven't been shopping in person in months.

 The walker would serve the same purpose, but getting it in and out of the car is difficult for me. I have been unable to make it back to our church service because of that and the fact that my oxygen is noisy and doesn't last but 3 hours at best. Actually, it is less than that if turned up a notch as the doctor suggested. I am blessed to be back leading my class on Sundays.

I'm also again a "lady who lunches." Now I just have to watch the clock to be sure I don't outstay (and out gab) my oxygen!

Yesterday I overdid. First I mentored my student, which is a big undertaking for me with my carrier for our activities, our snacks, and my oxygen machine and purse! After that I drove to my oxygen company and picked up supplies. Then I went for a relatively healthy lunch alone at Cheddar's. I dropped off dry cleaning and a couple of returns to the UPS store. That was the most I had done in months. I definitely reverted to underdoing!

I guess you can imagine how grateful I am for all the wonderful trips I've gotten to take. And...I haven't thrown in the towel on getting to take more! I would certainly encourage my younger friends (which is just about all of you who are reading this!) to GO if you can, while you can, where you can, as often as you can! This well worn luggage tag has traveled many a mile with me and was/is my motto! (Well, one of my mottos anyway!)

It is so worn it is hard to read. "The world is full of people who will go their Whole lives and not actually Live one day. She did not plan on being one of them."
I have lived a beautiful, blessed beyond measure life.

I see the pulmomologist again in six weeks.

You can read details of how this all began by going to the previous blog, "My Life/Interrupted."

Night, night. I'm gonna go try again!

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