Monday, February 18, 2013

You Haven't Met Bozo

And I just can't believe it!  I've been sharing my life with you for over two years now without introducing him to you

I don't know exactly when I got my buddy, Bozo.  I think it was after Jack went to Silverado, when my mind was clearer and my days less restricted.  (Read all about our rescue on November 22, 2008, by my beloved Silverado here.)  I began to see my life in Bozo's personna and from his perspective before that, but there was not enough time to crystallize my thoughts and search him out.

So...please meet Bozo.

You will notice he is standing all nice and tall.  This would represent a day when everything is going fairly well.  No giant upheavals.  Yes, we can handle this.  We will survive.  This too will pass, etc., etc., etc.

Then...WHAMMO!  Something comes along and Bozo is down for the count!  (Actually, it is a misrepresentation that Bozo is still smiling!)

One of the most lethal blows to Bozo came in October of 2009.  Jack's birthday was October 26th, so I planned a very nice family birthday party for him at Silverado.  We had a lovely formal dining room there, and the staff was more than willing to prepare any food I wanted and serve it beautifully and elegantly.  I asked that the chef prepare Chicken a la King.  It was one of my favorite things that he served.  We were all setMiracle of all miracles, everyone could come!

Several days before the scheduled party, Jack got into a little tiff with another male resident--the ONLY time this happened in 17 months at Silverado.  It was horrifying to me at the time, but actually rather humorous now.  Jack did a lot of walking around at night, and this night he went into what he thought was his room.  Another resident was asleep in the bed, so Jack evidently proceeded to let him know in no uncertain terms that he was in the wrong place.  The man must have came up swinging, and the tiff was on.  Poor Jack got the worst of it.  He had a most gruesome looking black eye

We could not let Madeline and Susannah see "Gaga" like that.  It would have broken those sweet, soft hearts, although it looked worse than it was.  The party had to be cancelled.  I was sooo disappointed. 

By the way.  Neither of the guys was in the right room!  It was an unoccupied room!  

I know Alzheimer's Disease is not the only illness which produces ups and downs in coping.  If any of you wishes to borrow Bozo, he might provide a good way to vent your frustrations.  Just remember...sometimes it takes longer than others, but he DOES pop back up.



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