Saturday, April 26, 2014

Maddie's Thriving Outside the Bubble

I really can't remember my reaction when I heard that
Madeline Metzger (my older granddaughter) had
decided to spend her college career at the
University of Texas!!!

As many of you know, her parents both graduated from
Baylor University!
Madeline and her sister, Susannah, were taken to
every Baylor homecoming celebration in
their little cheerleader outfits waving
green and gold pom poms.
It really never occurred to us that either of them
would consider any college BUT Baylor.

I really can't remember any of us being horrified when
she began considering UT.
Surprised, yes; maybe even shocked.
But not horrified.
I think I always "had a peace" (a Baptist expression!)
about it.
Maddie is a very peace-inspiring girl.
I admired Susan and Rob for never putting
pressure on her to
change her decision.
Maddie has had a maturity about her forever.
I'm not sure I appreciated that maturity
fully until this weekend.

Maddie has, of course...for sure...found her niche
 at the University of Texas.
She is truly thriving outside her 
family--Baptist--Fielder Church bubble.
She is salt and light to her new world!
Matthew 5:13-16

We went down to hear her acapella group
The Ransom Notes
perform on Friday night.
Susan and I got to take her to lunch on Friday and
get a preview of the talk she was giving that
afternoon for her junior high "Wyldlife" group.
Someone laughed when I said "Wyldlife"
was Madeline's new passion at UT!
That is the name of the junior high
division of the Christian campus organization,
Young Life.
Her talk was amazing.
She has spiritual maturity and depth beyond
what I had at twice her age.
What a great, inspiring, beautiful example she is
for Jesus
to some blessed junior high girls. 

We were the first ones at the theatre for the
concert--Susan, Rob, his mom Shirley, and I.
(Susannah had obligations in Arlington.)
But guess who else was there?
All Maddie's Wyldlife team came to support her!
It was such a pleasure to get to meet 
those she calls "her family!"

Of course, those of you who know Maddie know
she is multi-faceted!
She is going to be performing in
 "Summer Stock Austin" this summer--
with her little sis!

She is living in the beautiful Tri-Delt house
next year and is their
Regional Philanthropy Chairman.
She works with local philanthropies and
charities, restaurants, and boutiques
on behalf of St. Jude Children's Hospital.

What's been amazing is how much she and her
family LOVE Austin.
It is so charming, fun, trendy, unique--
it is truly like a different world.
Here I am at Sandra Bullock's restaurant!
And yes, we had to pay $8 to park!
Finding a place to park in Austin is nigh on to impossible.

Here is a sign at the Magnolia Cafe 
where we went for lunch.
Maddie knew to walk right up and sign us in!
 And speaking of parking...
Susan let us out and had to park at least a
half mile away and walk up a steep hill to get
to the restaurant!

What a blessing it has been for me to be able to
share in the life of Madeline Jane Metzger.
Especially this weekend!

But...have you heard?
Susannah Logan Metzger will be wearing the
green and gold this fall!!!
We get to have the best of both worlds!!!
Stay tuned to hear how this equally special
girl blossoms and spreads the love of
Christ in Waco!
I can't wait!



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