Thursday, March 24, 2016

Frustrated to Tears

On March 6th when I left the 
Norwegian Breakaway,
I left my cherished little black Moleskine notebook.
 I had carefully arranged my treasures in the
space above my bed.
That's my pink Kindle in the center,
my iridescent travel journal on the left, and,
although it can't be seen, my black Moleskine
is on the right.
(If you click on the pic below to enlarge, you can just
see the outline of it.)
Big mistake.

Why did I take it?
Well, because it had my passwords written in it.
Sometimes I need them for the internet on the ship.
it also had stories from days of Jack's illness.
Precious stories not recorded anywhere else.
I was heartsick.

As soon as I realized I had left it, I called Norwegian.
"No, we haven't received any information about it."
My room steward and I had been very cordial, so
I just knew he would turn it in.

Several days later I called Norwegian again.
The girl I talked to sounded strange and asked to
put me on hold.
When she came back she said she had not 
wanted to get my hopes up until she talked 
to her supervisor, but that it had been located
and was en route to the Miami office.
She said her supervisor would call when it arrived.

I subsequently got a voice mail from a man with Norwegian
 who said he was UPS'ing the notebook to me.
He was most concerned, however, that I send him
a check or a money order by return mail
for the amount of the postage!

The doorbell rang this afternoon.
It wasn't UPS, but it was FedEx.
I fought Charleigh-Girl off and went gleefully out
onto the front sign!

The very young man held my package but said
that it was C.O.D. (!) and that there was
no amount shown to charge me.
He fumbled, he scanned, and he called someone.
Very apologetically he told me that
he was going to have to take my package back!!!
He said he would get in big trouble with
Norwegian if he left it without collecting.

Well the whole world is in trouble with me!
Was it Norwegian's fault for not putting the amount
of the C.O.D.?
Or not trusting me to pay the postage?
Or was it FedEx's fault for letting the package
get all the way to me before discovering 
the mistake?

Ultimately I have to realize that it was
my fault.  I'm the one who left it.
I should have known better 
than to take it in the first place.
I should have noticed when I put it there so neatly
that it couldn't be seen.

And now I have to worry about not being here
tomorrow if it is re-delivered.
I have important appointments 
(hair and nail related).
Goodness knows it won't be left without the money!


Follow up the very next day...

I called FedEx, and talked to someone very nice and
sympathetic who assured me my package
would be delivered late today.
And here it is:

 That's my room number--10507

I will do no more complaining.
(But it was Norwegian's fault!)
It is a miracle I got this back.
My name was not written in it at all.
There is a timeline of Jack's illness on the
front page.

And I will never, ever take my "little black book"
on another trip!
But I may sleep with it under my pillow tonight.
"Thank you, Lord, for your undeserved favor
to me."

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