Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Preacher Story

I should probably call it a "sermon illustration,"
but my favorite pastors readily refer to theirs as titled!
(I think...I hope)

Since I am first and foremost a Christian traveling
through this life in my temporary home,
I often find deeper meanings
 in daily things that happen to me.

If you have read my blog for very long,
you probably know I am really crazy about my
It is a Bain Ultra Bubble Tub.
Instead of jacuzzi jets, it has many holes
all the way around for more air circulation.
We got the tub in 2005 when we
remodeled our bathroom.

Today, a mere 11 years later, I found the directions
for operating the features of the tub.
I discovered that I had only been taking
advantage of a minimum range of its capabilities.
The strength of the jets can be turned up
drastically, and they actually heat.
Surprise, surprise!

So how did I apply that to my life? 
Well, I have an instruction book which tells me
how to"operate" my day to day living.
It is called, of course, the Bible.
(A lady I've been in Bible Study Fellowship with
 frequently makes memorable acronyms for us.
 "Bible" is
"Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.")

How often do I plug along with pride,
more or less satisfied
 with what I manage to accomplish on my own?
The Bible is not only full of helpful instructions,
it is full of invaluable promises,
there for the claiming.

So while my bubble tub has been very nice,
for 11 years it could have been so much better
had I just read the directions from the maker.

And while I am secure in the knowledge that I,
Linda Jane Lynn Stovall,
am on the road to heaven, that road could have
been and still can be smoother
and more rewarding if I immerse myself
in God's instruction manual.
That, ironically, was my prayer request
for myself this week in BSF.

"Your words are a flashlight to light the path 
ahead of me, and keep me from stumbling."

Psalm 119:105
The Living Bible

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