Saturday, December 29, 2018

My Take on Hallmark Christmas Movies

I can't believe I have sort of gotten hooked on these.
I've laughed a lot at them--and myself!
And--I have made some observations that I haven't 
noticed anyone mentioning yet.

#1: There must be a trip to a Christmas tree lot to
select and cut a fresh tree in every one.
Methinks the lot looks suspiciously identical, too,
in every one.
I guess fake trees would make the movies seem...
fake. HaHaHa!
We wouldn't want that!

#2: The snowball fight has become a staple.
(Maybe it always has been. I'm a newbie at this!)
And I'm not sure all would be as jovial in real life
being hit by some of those fast (snow) balls!

#3: Perhaps a little more subtle, but it is...
the near miss kiss!
In the first three I watched, when our 
hero and heroine finally got to looking into each 
other's eyes and moving closer...closer...oops!
One or the other either chickened out or
someone comes up, interrupting the big moment!
Think it's happening here?
Well it's not! Our hero backs out this time!

#4: Again in those first three I watched I couldn't
miss that they must have only one hairdresser
who did only one style. The twirly curl.
I love long curly curls, but I drew the line when 
Leanne Rimes and her mother in the show 
had matching hair!
Sorry I didn't get a picture of that.

I have a couple of general observations too.
First, I love it that old favorite Christmas carols
are sung in almost every movie.
Carols that tell the story of the birth of Jesus.

I also wish our problems and misunderstandings
in life were worked out as smoothly and
quickly and perfectly as they are in these stories.
That families could be quickly and gloriously mended.
And that true love would always prevail! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this Linda. There is also the person who isn't "in" to Christmas, but then by the end of the movie, they LOVE Christmas!

    Also, there seems to be a pattern with the single mom or dad with the child that's trying to get them hitched. LOL!!
