Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Into Which Camp Do You Fall?

Do you still enjoy your Christmas decorations after
Christmas day?
Do you take them down just as soon as possible after
the last gift is opened?

I fall into camp #1. Today is one week and one day
past Christmas, and my lights are brightly shining.
It's cold and rainy outside, but warm and aglow
 in my home.
These are views from my recliner:

My Jack felt the same way as I do about this matter.
For many years we took advantage of the fact
that we were not anxious to take down our
decorations by hosting a New Year's Eve party
in our still festive home.
So we have never ever taken our decorations
down before January 1st.

For many years I put all these decorations up myself,
with the exception of the stairway garland.
I'm not sure I ever did that.
But the rest would take me forever.
Now I have 2 experts who do all of it for me!
(Plus my Sam of all trades who helps with 
the heavy lifting!) 
Having to take out a bank loan in order to 
achieve this winter wonderland probably contributes
to my reluctance to take it down very soon! 
Besides...the house looks like I've moved out
when they all come down.
Besides #2...I have 11 months without the brilliance.
Give me as long as possible with it!

Before Christmas I am always busily preparing
in one way or another.
If I'm not shopping or wrapping or prepping for 
or cleaning up after a party,
  I'm often obsessively tweaking decorations!
After Christmas I am relaxed and able to
completely enjoy!

These guys are still enjoying the ambiance too!

The grand ole dame of Christmas around here is
really glad my Christmas celebration continues.
Cause she was a little late to the party.
But, bless her heart. She's giving it her best effort.




1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. I love just looking at and enjoying the lights. Love your decorations and you 'old dame'. See you Sunday.
