Saturday, August 22, 2020

Finding Treasures in a Pandemic

 I just completed a very small pandemic project 
with results which added 
 Exclamation Points to my day!!!

Earlier this summer I attempted to put 
together 2 jigsaw puzzles with
 disappointing results.
The first looked like this when I gave it away.

It was supposed to look like this:
The Rose Window in Washington National Cathedral.

The second was in this stage when I gave up.
At least I got the border around it.
It would have been so fun!

I just knew I used to be good at puzzles!
At least I thought I was.
I've always remembered that hidden 
under the bed in the guest bedroom were
2 or 3 puzzles I (we) had worked
and glued together.
Today I finally tackled dragging them out!

I was shocked to find 9 completed puzzles!
 Gone With The Wind was the only one 
 of the 9 that I remembered at all.
They were stacked one on top of another in a 
portfolio type folder in pristine condition.
I was very excited at my find until I realized
how much my puzzles dated me!
I won't make you look at all 9, 
but here are my favorites.

It's funny...I remembered this one as 
being HUGE.
Although my photos make them all appear
to be the same size,
 it is actually one of the smaller ones.

Many of you will recognize Baylor's
Pat Neff Hall.
I worked in this building at Baylor
and was thrilled to find such a memory.

Probably did this one while the 1953 version 
of the movie was hot at the box office!

This one represents the BIG hotels in Vegas
when we first went! HaHaHa!

You know how I sometimes say a photo 
on Facebook reminds me of a
Norman Rockwell painting?
Well, for those of you who aren't familiar, 
this puzzle is of a Rockwell painting,
probably purchased in his hometown!
(Don't know exactly why I chose 
this particular one!)

But this was the best one!
McDonald's has been an important part
 of the Stovall/Metzger lives.
 Don't remember doing this puzzle at all.
I think we may have put it together
 way before our company began
building McDonald's restaurants.
I am going to investigate having it framed,
even though it is HUGE.
It is a treasure...and an antique!


My conclusions regarding 
my puzzle putting together ability:

I used to be better.
I used to have help.
I must have had more patience.
MANY of the pieces were the same color
 then just like they are now.
I just didn't whine about it then.

So Susan has bought me a new puzzle to
work which she believes might be
more my speed.

She didn't seem to think it particularly funny
 when I noted that there are 13 little puzzles,
I may or may not let you know how I do.


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