Saturday, August 15, 2020

10 Insignificant Things That Nevertheless Annoy Me

1. Previews of a tv show before it starts and/or between segments. I don't want to see what is "coming up" before it comes up! My favorite What Would You Do? is double bad about this. They show 6 minutes of previews before the show begins (I timed it) and then AGAIN between segments. Isn't that just awful? No. I know. Insig.

2.  Internet stories that lead you on a mile long trail of clicking  "NEXT." And no matter how hard you try you inevitably make an accidental click on some stupid ad you can't get rid of quick enough. And then the person or thing that you were curious about is #49 out of 50. Or not on there at all. Yes, it happens.

3.  Yard people who blow grass clippings and leaves into the street and leave them. Or the  homeowners who pay for such service.
I saw this happening today. This may even be illegal. If it's not, it should be.

4.  People who use abbreviations on social media that no one has ever heard of. Like the KXW or the YJRQ. Maybe they know what it means, but does anyone else? No. Because I don't.

5.  People who come up to me and say, "You don't know who I am,  do you?" Hmmm. What could I say? "Are you implying that my memory is biting the dust?"

6.  People who do not thank me when my extreme patience, grace, generosity, and kindness is not rewarded when I wave their car to go ahead of mine. Just a leetle return wave is all I ask. It's all I can do not to roll down my window and holler "Well, you're not welcome, either!" I know, no stars in my crown for this.

7.  People who are early to parties--at my house. I have considered printing on invitations, "Kindly do not be early." If my party begins at 7:00 P.M. the earliest I will be ready is 7:00 P.M. I didn't say it made sense. And yes, I've tried telling myself I must be ready at 6:30, but I'm just too darn smart to buy that!

8.  Now, I'm afraid I may be the only one in this world of millions and billions of people who is irked by this. But here goes. Hallmark is, without a doubt, the Cadillac of greeting cards. But I have noted that as their prices increase, the selection of colors of their envelopes decreases.  In the "good old days" every envelope was  beautifully color coordinated with every card. (Although I have been known to do a little swapping for personal preference.) Now there are usually 2 or 3 envelope colors for all the cards--like chartreuse and taupe--no white--and they don't match some of the cards AT ALL. No swapping because there's nothing to swap to. I know. I can't understand why everyone hasn't noticed.

9.  I just do not understand why all sit down restaurants have ONLY sugar sweetened lemonade. Perhaps some of you (or ALL of you) haven't noticed this.  And now, to make matters worse, they have removed the artificial sweetener from the table so I can't make my own lemonade out of my "water with lemon." Yes, I always felt VERY cheap doing it, but I simply can't bring myself to ask for sweetener for my water! Makes it just entirely too obvious. (Just took a short break to go stick Sweet 'n Low in my purse.)

10. This one can hardly be classified "Insignificant." If you have followed my blog or Facebook for very long you no doubt know about it... Channel 4 pre-empting Judge Judy for any remote possibility of bad weather anywhere, often at the crucial point in the show.  JJ is on from 4:00 to 5:00, and their regular news starts at 5:00, but they cannot wait! See, I told you this one was significant! I dread bad weather season!

Please share if there are insignificant things that bug you! It would make me feel so much better about myself if there are!


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