Saturday, June 9, 2012

Attention You Dog Lovers

Our beloved pastor, Gary Smith, has stated, "You're only as happy as your unhappiest child."  All you parents know the truth of this statement.  I have found it to be true, also, that I only feel as good as my worst-feeling child.  This week that included and applied to my little Charleigh-Girl.

I posted on Facebook about her birthday experience, but I'll repeat it here in case you missed it.  She was overdue for an annual exam, so I took her in on Thursday.  After her being traumatized and receiving numerous vaccines while being held down (very lovingly, I might add), I realized it was her birthday.  She is 7 years old.  I felt mean enough about that, but I felt worse that evening.

She usually stays nearby to protect me when I'm watching TV.  I kept missing her and going to check.  She was on "our" bed, barely moving.  She obviously felt terrible, so I did too.

I told my hairdresser/dog trainer/friend, Mary Ellen Jones about it the next morning.  She has fostered and trained numerous dogs and is my go-to expert on all matters C-G.  (She also keeps her highness when I travel now.)  Mary Ellen said she never allows multiple inoculations to be given to her dogs for the very reason I described.  It is just too much for their systems, in her opinion.

I determined that I would call the vet the next morning and have them place a note on CG's chart that I did not want but one vaccine per visit next year.  Lo and behold, before I called them, they called me to check up on Charleigh and see how she was doing!  When I said she was fine that day but not so good the night before, they offered to spread out her shots on future visits!  I was totally impressed.

I used to think I was the only person crazy-nuts about her dog.  Now I realize there are lots of you crazies out there.  I felt I must share my experience with you so you may obsess about this too, should you desire!

Susan, I can just hear you snorting now!  (My Susan believes a dog is a dog.  She will not be making multiple trips for shots, I can assure you!)

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