Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reflections of a Serious Nature

I have been reluctant to blog about
My Exclamation Point Life
It seems shallow for me to blather on about
frivolous matters when so many of my friends
have exclamation points of a decidedly
different nature in their lives right now.

There are serious illnesses,
some affecting those much too young,
temporary situations with long term effects,
life-altering lasting situations,
seemingly impossible financial hardships.

God did say that in this life we would have difficulties.
"...in the world you have tribulation." John 16:33

 In this relatively problem free period
in my life,
I find it even harder to accept that
some seem to have an "unfair share" 
(my human perspective)
of problems.
And in some cases I spring into action
to try to help solve the problems,
even though I realize only the mighty God Himself,
the Creator and Sustainer of this universe,
can solve them.

In that same verse quoted above, God says,
"...but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world."
Yes, you've read the outcome--the final chapter's
final words, right there!
God wins!

But I want you to know--if you're reading
this and you're one of those friends--
I hurt for you.
I do not understand why my life at this time
is so blessed.

In no way am I deserving.
I never want to appear to take anything for granted.
I abhor the thought of being entitled.
And please give me the old stink eye or
knock me up the side of the head
if I appear to be a braggadocio. 

I am not hinting for any compliments here.
 I have gone through difficult periods
in my life,  
but my past difficulties seem as nothing when
compared to some of your current ones. 

I am never unaware for one moment that
everything can change in a second--
the blink of an eye.
But remember,
our time on this earth is like a breath.
A vapor. 
What matters is that we are moving toward
a home in Glory, where...

When we've been there 10,000 years,
Bright, shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise,
Than when we first begun. 



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