Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Quite Different Style of Travel for Me!

This is the way I customarily travel:
After hours of planning my outfits I load my suitcase
 to the absolute max--49.5 pounds out of 50 here!

And this is the way I customarily roll
(as you all very well know.)
(Thanks to Laurie Bianco)

Well...I'm going on a trip again, but it's going 
to be different! In more ways than one.
I am going to Colombia with 18 of my fellow
Fielder Church members!
We all sponsor Colombian children through an
organization called Compassion.
And we are going to get to meet our children!
I have been sponsoring my little girl for 
almost 6 years now. She will be 13 soon.

So we had a meeting last Sunday.
My first question, to no one's surprise, was
"How big a suitcase can we carry?"
The answer: "Fifty pounds!"
(Insert fist pump and "Yesssss!")
Oh, but wait. We have a "packing party"
where we all bring our suitcases packed with our
 necessities and fill them with all the gifts, etc. we
 carry to the kids, tutors, interpreters, and families!

And as to those necessities. It's not quite like this:
Not only do we not change 3x a day, these saints 
wear the same clothes 2 or 3 days! Yes, y'all.
It's true. And it's very hot there! 
And sometimes they wash their clothes out at night!

So...I think it will be frowned upon if I show
up at the packing party with 7 outfits, 6 pairs of
shoes, with matching  jewelry in little plastic bags
for each outfit. And no room in my bag for
anyone's stuff but mine. 

And then there's my hair. Somehow I doubt
it will hold up well in the Colombian heat,
especially since Susan says I must wear a hat.
Hat hair? Moi? Horror of all horrors!

I am almost totally kidding! 
I will cheerfully and enthusiastically fill my
suitcase with gifts! Can't wait!
I will have hat hair and/or flat hair.
 I'm just not sure about pictures...

We will also be blessed to get to visit not only
the church and Compassion center which Fielder
partners with in Sincelejo, but also we'll be
the first group to visit a new church and center
in nearby Villa Katy!
We will have Vacation Bible School for the
children and a "*waterpark day."
I'll tell you all about it when I get home!
(*not quite Hurricane Harbor, I've heard)

Truly I am as excited about this trip as any I go on.
Actually--even more so.
This one has heavenly ramifications and significance.
I know I will be a changed LJLS when I return.

On June 2nd we are having "Compassion Sunday"
at Fielder. 
It is only $38 a month to do immeasurable good
for a child in an impoverished area.
If you don't have one of these hanging on your
refrigerator, you need it.
You will be blessed as much as the beautiful child.

And maybe next time you can go, too!
(If I can do it, anyone can!)

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