Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Back in the middle ages, I was on the 
high school debate team.
As I remember it, we had to be prepared to debate
either side of an issue.
Today, however, people seem to find it a requirement
to be 100%, totally, completely on one
side or the other of any and all issues.
No compromise. No exception.
Most of us in no way believe there are two
sides to every issue.
Only the right side--our side.

What shall we consider first? How about immigration?
It's either "Build a wall, close the borders, and
'throw the bums out that are here illegally.'"
"Put out the 'Welcome All' mat.'"
 Neither of those in all practicality will work.

Perhaps the hottest debate in Texas:
Gun control.
It's either "Let anybody who passes a
 background check of some sort own an AK 47,"
"By law take away all weapons from everybody!
Then we will live in safety."

Or this: Most of you either think the Democratic
party or the Republican party is at least almost
 completely right.
You may not like to admit it in the light of day,
but you TOTALLY support one and have no use
whatsoever for the other.
Only JESUS has ever been totally without error.

How about the death penalty?
Have you dug your heels in on that one?
I think I had...until someone I knew was
executed for a crime he did not commit.
Think that won't make you doubt your stand?

I can't even "go there" when it comes to
global warming.
I don't understand enough about the debate to debate!
But I do know the One who "holds the whole
world in His hands."
And I believe He's got this one!

The issue not subject to debate to me is abortion.
I believe that life begins at conception;
therefore, abortion is taking of life.
I have, however, become aware that many are  
pro birth rather than truly pro life.
Where is their support once the baby is born?

When are we going to realize that we are
oversimplifying the solution to problems which
we may not even be capable of resolving.
Everybody needs to take a step back and realize,
"I just might not be the only one with valid ideas."
"Could it be possible that I'm not 100% right?"
When are we going to be willing to see and
consider both sides to our issues?

Let nothing be done through strife...
but in lowliness of mind let each esteem
others as better than themselves.
Philippians 2:3

And when are we going to
turn back to the source of our lives and
trust Him for the answers to our problems?

If my people, which are called by my name,
shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek
my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then I will hear from heaven, and will
forgive their sin and will heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14

Are you one of God's people, called by His name?

1 comment:

  1. Great one! I feel exactly like this, too. Well, not 100%, but no one it 100% right, right? I love your outlook on life, my dear friend!
