Monday, June 29, 2020

A Glimpse of My Pandemic Life

Since I know this won't last forever, I thought I'd
best record a few observations from the past 
73 weeks of isolation and social distancing.
Actually, it has only been 16 weeks for me.
Obviously I haven't blogged much.
Not much to blog about.

I must admit immediately that this has not been
a significant burden for me.
My heart breaks for those of you who are without
a job (my Maddie) or have lost businesses, 
those who are responsible for making
impossible decisions as to how our schools, 
churches, and businesses are to proceed,
those parents who became responsible for
the education of their children, the teachers 
and other educators, and those whose
health has been affected.
Also, those in facilities and hospitals who are
alone or unable to visit family who is alone.
Heart wrenching!
And those who don't have family and/or friends
to check on them and bring them supplies.
It just goes on and on.
I have it so easy. I have everything I need.
I have nothing about which to complain.

Many times through the years I have shared what I 
thought would be the idyllic time schedule for me.
I would stay up until midnight and sleep til 8:00 A.M.
Well, my wish has come true. I can now do this.
Howsomever, I don't really HAVE to get up at
8:00, so I do the "snooze button tango."
(Do you remember my observation about this?
The expression goes, "You snooze, you lose."
Therefore I end up losing multiple times in
15 minute intervals every morning!")
Let's just say...I have enjoyed adequate rest.

I wish I could say I have purged and straightened
my closets. But I haven't--yet.
I did clean out one drawer. Oh wait. That may
have been pre-pandemic.
I have managed to keep the house nice and {sorta}
 straight even though I know no one will be dropping by.
Which is surprising since
self motivation is not one of my spiritual gifts!

I spent hours and hours pouring over my
tax receipts and getting them to Susan Harris
last week, after she had gently called to prompt me!
I did have to make a phone call or two, but
I didn't even open most of the envelopes, and
my Susan made the delivery for me!

I have succeeded in learning to play at least a
medium difficult game of Sudoku!
I am a big believer in keeping my brain active
with games, but usually they are word games.
I was introduced to Sudoku in 2010 when I
visited with cousin Sarah and several of her
friends at her cabin in Alpine, Arizona.
I learned the basics, but in the intervening years
have not ever met with any success.
Until now! My phone has a great version, and
I am obsessed! 
Sudoku is a very slow and time consuming game, 
however. Probably wouldn't have happened
in normal circumstances!

And I am practicing my piano almost daily,
preparing a piece for y'all!
I doubt that I'll ever be ready, perfectionist that
I am, but I'm working on it.
Of course, the Sudoku and the piano both give me 
a headache, but I'm hangin' in there!!!

Yesterday I did something I don't ever remember
doing before in my long life.
I decided I needed some Krispy Kreme donuts.
(But that's not the part I'd never done, of course!)
I got in my car and pulled out of my driveway
in absolutelty no hurry!
(That's the "new.")
I ambled along, looking around and just observed.
I got behind someone going only 20 miles an hour.
 I didn't honk. I didn't pass. I just went 20 too!
I've been isolated, baby! It's time to smell the roses!
And eat my donuts.

I subscribed to Netflix.
I haven't found anything I like as much as
The Crown.
I've enjoyed some movies, but they are all
too raunchy IMHO for me to recommend to you.
Besides, I can't remember what they were
right now.
I did find some more Judge Judy's on Channel 27,
so now I have 2 hours (minus commercials) 
to watch on weekdays.
A lot of them are reruns, but I can't remember
how they turned out anyway so I watch them again!

There is one "worst" that happened to me 
because of Covid 19.
Those of you who know me might immediately think,
"She couldn't cruise!" That is bad, but...
by far worse is the fact that our group could not
go to Colombia with Compassion International
this summer. Our trip was scheduled for
June 16 through June 23.
There are so many children there who desperately
need our love and hugs. For me it is two little girls
who need mine and I theirs. So much.

Well, this may be about all the excitement you
can handle in one blog.
Besides, I've got to go and make a list of all the 
things I'm going to do tomorrow.
This looks pretty pitiful!

"Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks
in all circumstances; for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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