Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Covid Victims Close to my Heart

I feel sure the Covid victims to whom I am referring
would tell you that they are still among the blessed.
Many don't have the disease.
But they don't have jobs either.
They haven't had for a long time.
They may not have for a long time.

I follow Captain Kate McCue on Twitter.
She is the captain of the giant Celebrity Edge on 
which I took one of my last cruises.
Bummer that she was not captain at that time!
Captain Kate's tweets amuse me and 
at the same time break my heart.
One of her latest tells that there are still 200,000
sailors at sea who cannot get home because of
restrictions of one kind or another.
As I understand it, all but the necessary personnel
to keep the Edge operating have been
able to return to their homes--just recently.
But that is not the case with some (many?) 
of the other ships.

Here is a page from Captain Kate's Instagram.

I have no idea how that first picture was accomplished!
The second is of a bosun who has been onboard
the Edge for 12 consecutive months, along
with his son and his brother!
The third is Captain Kate with her ugly cat,
Bug Naked, whom I am trying to love!
The fifth is Kate with her father when the
Edge is in port to restock.
There are many videos of the Edge sounding
its horn to other lonely ships in signs of comraderie.
Again...I am so very sad for them.

I have had some of the best times of my life
onboard these fabulous vessels.
To see them floating empty makes me cry.
Of course, doubling, tripling down on my 
sadness is the fact that my precious Madeline 
should be in Europe right now, performing on the
fabulous Disney Magic.

What prompted my post today?
I think it is many things, but chief among them
is my realization of just how many people in the
entertainment industry have been affected
by this virus and the shutdown.
If I even tried to list, I know I would leave out
some huge group or section.
Just examples...Madeline's agent has a
brand new baby and clients without jobs.
There was a very talented tumbler on the 
Disney Wonder when Madeline was.
He is still stuck on the ship without pay,
because he is from Australia and they
will not allow him back in.

It was a very sad day when it was announced that
 Broadway would not open before January 3, 2021.
All of Madeline's showbiz friends have no 
income and haven't for months.
They would be willing to wait tables or work
retail in New York, but so would a jillion others.
These kids have worked so hard and sacrificed
so much and were just beginning to "make it."
They are Covid victims, too.

I can assure you that my Jesus loving Madeline is
still "giving thanks in all circumstances."
She is strong because her faith is in Him.
But this is still not easy.
She is returning to New York next week
to a very uncertain and unknown future.

Would you like to follow Captain Kate on Instagram?


Just for fun here is a rerun of my time on the
Celebrity Edge!
It is now 1:47 and this is all I've done today!
These links are really above my pay grade,
and I just hope they work!




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