Monday, December 27, 2010

When Jay Laughs...

My son Jay's laugh is one of my favorite things in the whole world.  When our little family of 8, now 7, gets together, either Susan or I usually do something that makes him laugh.  This Christmas it was Sus.

We were winding down on opening our massive array of gifts when Susan hopped up and walked over to my area.  She surveyed my things and checked to be sure nothing remained unopened.  So...she then grabs one of my bags, takes the gift out of it, and runs off to the bedroom.  We all just sit and listen to her rummaging around in there.  Then she runs back in with the same bag containing another gift for me which she had forgotten.  Trying to make herself heard above Jay's hysterical laughter, she tells us that they are a very "green" family!   Someone, it may have been Jay when he composed himself, commented that recycling a bag during a party was, indeed, extremely green!

What a wonderful day.  What a wonderful family.


  1. I love his laugh too! In fact, he makes me laugh so much that we have committed to find at least one thing to laugh about together at least once a day --- even on the hardest of days. It's one of those things that keeps our marriage special :-)

  2. What a wonderful commitment and great idea!

  3. Not sure I've ever been privy to Jay's wonderful laugh in the same manner as you have. me a day without laughter is a day wasted!!! So laugh on Jay...
