Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am almost a lawyer, you know.  By what virtue?  Well, first I watch Judge Judy faithfully every day.  I record it if I'm not here, and absolutely nothing upsets my more than the pre-empting of JJ by Channel 4 for some sensationalized weather report or car chase.  This happens way too often.  Second, I have read every single John Grisham book at least twice and listened to all of them on audio as I drove back and forth from Silverado.

We Christians sometimes ponder the question, "If I were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict me?"  From my training and knowledge, it has come to me that there are two quanta (that's the plural of quantum--just looked it up) of proof to be considered here.  The first applies to Judge Judy's cases.  They need only be proven by a preponderance of the evidence--the scales just tipped in the positive direction.  The other is more difficult: "beyond a reasonable doubt."

I'm pretty confident of my conviction under the "preponderance" theory.  I pray that everyone who knows me knows that I love Jesus.  I'm trying earnestly to follow Jack's example in giving, so I could feel comfortable in submitting my checkbook as evidence.  I am so proud to be able to direct the court's attention to the two fine Christian children we raised and to their exemplary homes.  I love my church and singing in its choir.  I am a huge advocate of Bible Study Fellowship.  I even planned my next trip so as not to miss a single week!

I have a few concerns about "beyond a reasonable doubt."  If wire-taps and eavesdropping were allowed, I'm afraid it would be revealed that I often spend much more time doing worldly things than doing Godly things.  I spend entirely too much time watching mindless television programs.  I often put off doing that BSF lesson, but never miss an opportunity to check my email and Facebook.  I can't deny that I have been known to repeat gossip and express negative thoughts about others.  I am frequently lazy and do not treat my body as God's temple, either by exercising or eating properly.

But....there is Good News!  I am not going to be tried here on earth but in heaven when my earthly body dies.  My Judge will be God Himself.  When I step before Him, the One who died for my sins, Jesus Christ, will come forward and say, "Linda is one of mine."

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. Well done, you.
    P.S. Please email soon. I know I am whiny and needy. Doesn't need to be long or perfect. LYMY, sf
