Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Martin Idols

Friday night there was a version of American Idol at Martin High School.  This is an annual event.  The two Metzger girls decided to try out, and both made the cut.  They were the only siblings in the group of twelve contestants.  Now this sets the stage for all sorts of worry opportunities for a grandmother.  What if...?  Just fill in the blank.  I really was so nervous that I did not look forward to the evening, even though they are both born performers.

Madeline, the older, was contestant number 6.  She reminded me later that this is her first time to perform on a big stage with no props and not portraying a character, as she has done in musical theatre.  The genre of music was also very different for her--pop rock.  She belted out Katy Perry's Firework like a pro.  My friend Beverly, who graciously attended with me, said that Maddie "sparkles."  Oh, and it didn't hurt a bit that she had on a darling robin's egg blue one shouldered dress, and the beautiful "Martin Idol" sign in the background was the same sparkly blue!  O.K.--one down and one to go!

Susannah was number twelve.  Yep, last.  She is just a freshman, but would you have known it?  Absolutely not!  She took that stage and the audience by storm singing Our Song--a Taylor Swift number.  The audience whooped and hollered, and she radiated confidence.  She looked adorable in a brown leather dress and darling brown boots.  There went all my worries!

Maddie was in the top five, so she got to sing again (in a totally different outfit, of course!)  This time she sang Fairytale by Sarah Barellis.  I thought she was even better on this one, although I won't be putting the songs of this evening on my iPod.  I try to be a cool Mimi, but I guess I'm just not a pop rock girl. 

The outcome was great.  Maddie was second runner up, and she and Susannah both got lots of rave reviews from the audience.  They had a wonderful evening, and so did I.  Too bad I didn't enjoy the anticipation rather than worry!

By the way, save the dates of May 26th, 27th, or 28th, and come see Sweeney Todd,  Martin's spring musical.  Madeline will be Johanna and will sing the beautiful "Green Finch and Linnet Bird."  Now that one's on my iPod, as well as other music from Sweeney.  Susannah is in the chorus, too.   I can't wait!

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