Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The YMAWHSAH Syndrome

You've never heard of it?  Let me explain...
So you take a great trip and come home all excited to share 
your adventures and experiences.
Before you even get started good, your listener says,
"Did you see such and such?"
And, wouldn't you know.  It's the one thing you did NOT see.
Their reaction:
"You do not mean to tell me you traveled all that distance and
 didn't see such and such?"
"You Might As Well Have Stayed At Home."

"But wait.  We went here and saw this and did that, and it was just GREAT!"
" didn't see such and such.



I originally wrote this in 2013 
after my trip to Israel.
I am reprising it because of something that
happened at bridge club recently.
One of our member made the mistake of saying,
"I have seen everything in Rome there is to see!"
(She has been there several if not many times.)
So...guess what someone else said?
You've got it.
"Have you seen the catacombs?"
Well, fine.
The one thing she hasn't seen!
So...please don't ask me about the catacombs.
I haven't seen them either.

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