Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ode to Cameron Whitley

This is to be sung to the tune of
"O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree."

"Oh Cameron, Oh Cameron,
How lovely were thy gestures.
Oh Cameron, Oh Cameron,
How good thou wast to me.
Oh Cameron, Oh Cameron,
HowcanIevergoagainwithout you?"
(It takes a certain amount of finesse to
handle that last line!)

When the group "joined me" in Miami, I asked
someone if the handsome young man who
had smiled at me was part of us.
Yes, it was Cameron Whitley, a pastor from Houston.
I remembered knowing Cameron's mom 
years ago at Fielder.
Cameron's church is also active with Compassion,
and he was observing the workings of a trip.
And from that moment on...helping me.

Actually, every time I took a step there were
18 hands reaching out to help me.
This is not much of an exaggeration.
I don't think I ever moved from one place to
another without generous assistance.

But Cameron, oh Cameron...
took total charge of all my luggage.
That would be one huge, gaudy, girly,  suitcase,
one pink and black carry on, and one
Vera Bradley backpack.
That's in addition to his own bags.
Here is some visual proof:

Arriving in Bogata.
He's got 'em all.
That's my backpack on his shoulder!

With Ramsey George.

And that would be Cameron
putting my carry on in the overhead!

We were getting Subway sandwiches.
Someone got mine for me, of course!
I hope someone got Cameron's, because 
 his hands are full!

 We must have already checked the big one,
so his burden is lighter here!
I just noticed that I don't even seem to be
carrying my purse.
Someone probably has that for me!

And even when fatigue gets the best of me,
Cameron and my luggage are still there.


I received such a gift from God on this trip.
I was lovingly cared for by 18 friends--
never allowed to feel like a burden, 
even though sometimes I was!
But no one helped me more than my handsome
pack mule, Cameron Whitley.

Thank you, my dear Cameron.

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