Monday, July 22, 2019

"What's the Worst That Could Happen?"

After a long break, come back to Colombia with me!
We had a whole day set aside to visit Villa Katy
(pronounced "veeya kottie" by us pros!)
VK is very special to Fielder folks,
but...something great happened to our plans!

Compassion had organized the first
"Compassion Olympics," and we had the opportunity
to go to a parade involving children from all the
Compassion centers in Sincelejo!
Imagine what a blessing that we were there on
just the right day for this exciting event!

We were faced with only one problem.
We were headed to Villa Katy to paint (well, some
of us were going to paint) after the parade.
We had worn "special clothes" (again, most of us)
which could possibly be ruined by the paint.
Not our best duds, in other words.
So the discussion was, do we go to the parade in
our paint clothes?
We decided no one would see us anyway.
And someone asked that operative question,
"What's the worst that could happen?"
Never ask that question without realizing,
it can happen...and did.

We watched the kids assemble, 
 saw them at a mid point in the parade, then
loaded on our bus which took us to the ending point.

Gathering at the launch point!

Here they come!

See how they were all dressed in different colors?
I am so excited just posting these 
that I can hardly stand it!

They gave Krista and me balloons!

All of a sudden we seemed to be heading into their
stadium. There was some hesitation, but we 
continued to walk as a group--inside--
in our paint clothes.
Well, they had gotten word that we were there,
and had set up chairs for us at the very
front. We were treated like royalty!

After I had typed all this, I found a video which
I had taken of the ceremony.
I had not seen it since I got home, and I got
ridiculously excited!
The translator in the video is Leo, our guide.

You will see some faces you recognize!


It was wonderful! I waved my arm off at those
beautiful cheering faces!
Just think. We were probably the first real live
sponsors from America that over 99% of these
children had ever seen.
Our paint clothes could not have mattered less.
But they were televised that night!

This was just the beginning of our day.
We haven't even made it to Villa Katy yet!
Since it is now 4:00 here in Arlington, Texas,
 and I haven't done one thing today except work on this,
please come back tomorrow for...
the rest of the story!

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