Saturday, July 4, 2020

Billy, Did You Know?

This morning I read from Billy Graham's daily
devotional book called 
Wisdom For Each Day.
The book was published in 2008.
I thought to myself, "Oh dear Billy, you had
no idea how badly we would need this on
July 4th, 2020!"

"A great crisis in American history came at the
Constitutional Convention called in Philadelphia
to ratify a constitution for the new country that
was being born. The delegates got angry with one
another, and because they couldn't resolve their
conflicts, they couldn't agree on a thing and picked  
up their hats and coats and started to leave."
{Sound familiar? L.S.}

"Suddenly Benjamin Franklin spoke up.
'Wait a minute, gentlemen,' he is reported to have said.
'This country was conceived in faith in God.
Many of us here believe in prayer.
Let us get upon our knees and pray to 
Almighty God and see whether God shall give
to us the answer to our dilemma.'"
{Again...deja vu? L.S.}

"Upon their knees those men went, and out of
that prayer meeting came the immortal 
Constitution of the United States of America.

What dilemma in your nation--or in your life--
is compelling you to get down on your knees
and seek God's answer?"


Don't you wonder how much more healing would
take place if we placed our energies in prayer
rather than arguing?
Because God says:

"If my people...pray and seek my face...
I will hear from heaven."
2 Chronicles 7:14

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