Friday, July 12, 2013

Prepare for Takeoff--We're Going to Israel

Ladies and gents...
Fasten your seatbelts.  Put your tray tables up and turn off your cell phones!  I want to tell you about this marvelous
adventure--one day at a time.

After flying to New York,
we took off about 7:00 P.M. from JFK on this big dude.
I felt totally at ease on El Al--one of the world's safest airlines.


 My beloved pastor and trip leader, Gary Smith, and I wait with great anticipation and excitement to board, along with 20
 fellow pilgrims.  I think only 3 of the group had ever been to the Holy Land before.

After about 10 hours and 25 minutes of smooth flying, we stepped off the plane in
Tel Aviv, Israel.  Can you believe it?  I hardly can!  Amazing!!! 

That says Ben Gurion--the airport in Tel Aviv.
And I don't recognize any words here, just that little yellow
picture right in the center.  See?  It's a bag!
We're headed to baggage claim!
And every last one of our bags was there on the carousel!
Big blessing!

 we were off!  We headed north in our lovely, air-conditioned
purple bus.  

As we leave the airport this sign makes me feel so welcome!
I know...I can't read it either, but I just know it says,
"Welcome to Israel, Linda!"

Soon we arrive at our first exciting stop:

 Herod the Great began building Caesarea in 22 B.C.
The apostle Paul visited and was later imprisoned here.
But it was most impressive to me because of the great harbor Herod built. 
That's it behind me.  
It was an architectural achievement, as it was protected from the waves by a massive breakwater which was built by letting down huge stones into the water, 20 fathoms deep.
It was the best in the world at that time.
There are still submerged remains of the breakwater.
By the way, the sea upon which Herod's port was built is the beautiful Mediterranean.

 And this is Yuval, our guide.  Yuval is a legend at Fielder Church, and I finally got to meet him!
I know that everyone thinks his or her guide is the best.  But if that guide is not Yuval, sorry, he or she is just mistaken!
Yuvall is a Jewish man who knew all about Jesus when Gary started having him as a guide twenty years ago.
Now Yuval is a man who IS all about Jesus.  He is a believer whose faith is infectious!
You'll be hearing and seeing much more of Yuval!

Back on the bus we head toward our destination for the night--
Tiberias, and the Leonardo Hotel on the Sea of Tiberias, 
also known as
The Sea of Galilee.
A gorgeous spread of food awaited us along with a very welcome night of rest in a real bed overlooking this beautiful sea.

Sleep well!
Tomorrow is a very exciting day!


  1. Oh, Linda, I'm so excited to start this journey with you. You make everything so refreshing and breathtaking. Truly, you should've been a professional photo journalist, but I see you're making up for it!!!!

  2. I am really enjoying this. I want to read more now.
