Saturday, April 6, 2013

Want A $50 Target Gift Certificate?

The longer I blog the more I discover about the process.  For example, did you know that Blogspot actually keeps track of the number of people who view my blog?  I didn't know this for a long time, because the only way I could tell was by the number who commented on my Facebook page or who would tell me they had read it.  (And I cherish every single one of those comments!)

Now for a surprising factAs of April 1, 2013, my blogs have had 5,853 views!  I am amazed.  And I want to know that you read it!  I am absolutely shameless in seeking validation!  I am going to resort to bribery!

At the bottom of the blog there is an official spot to "Post a Comment."  Only a handful of my friends are able to do this.  Even Rob, my computer hip son-in-love told me a long while ago that he had not succeeded in making a comment.  So...poor pitiful Linda almost always has 0 comments on her blog about her otherwise exclamation point life.  (I did get several comments from strangers about my new roof, for some reason!)

This is what I'm gonna do:  I am giving away two $50 Target gift certificates to two randomly drawn persons who are able to "Comment" on this blog.  And I'm going to tell you how to do it!

At the bottom of this page, after the blog, click on "No comments" or "# comments."  When the comment box opens, type me a sweet, loving, complimentary message (or a short "Hey" or "10-4!")  Then there is "Comment as" and a drop down menu. The way I comment is with my Google account, which is free and easily obtained right here:   (I know it's tiny, but it's "clickable!") You can also choose to comment as "Anonymous," but be sure to sign your name in the body of the comment so I will know who "Anonymous" is!

Then hit "Publish."  You will be asked to prove you are not a robot.  Your message will not appear on the blog immediately because I have "Comment Moderation" enabled in order to prevent spam!  But I will read, approve, and shazamExclamation point Linda will have herself a comment!  (And be eternally grateful!)

If you have problems posting, here is the video which helped me. feel free to emaill me at 

My winner selection process will of necessity be pretty primitive.  Since I do not know how to generate random numbers, I will probably have to write "all" the names (I hope there are quite a few!) on slips of paper and draw them out of a hat--but, I will be scrupulously honest!  I will do this next Wednesday, April 10th at 12:00 noon!

Oh, dear.  What if no one responds?  Well I guess you'll find me at Target on Wednesday afternoon, drowning my sorrows in shopping.

P.S.  You can still "like" and "comment" on Facebook, too!  
        Now I getting greedy!  But it's gotta be on here to enter 
        my give-away!!!!! 


  1. I read every single post! I just love you Linda (no bribing necessary!). :)

  2. Oh, my darling Shay! How I LOVE you! (I just sent you a private FB message!) Just about everything I know about blogging I learned from you!!! You're #1!!!

  3. So glad you figured all this out. many hours did you put into this? Really, you have the most perserverance of anyone I know, at least when it comes to technology. But look how much we learned today! Love you! from Sarah

  4. I love your blogs!!! I don't think you understand how funny and clever your blogs are. I'm so excited when I see your "Exclamation Life" pop up!!! And...never forget, I check you in every Sunday morning my sweet, sweet friend. Seriously I adore you!!! And didn't we have fun chatting on the phone all day today???

  5. YESSSS, Mary $!!! I adore you more, and I certainly never forget your important role of checking me in for choir every Sunday morning after my harrowing drive to church!

  6. I read your Blog also!! And I love Target!!!
    I found a wonderful Paula Deen recipe for left over
    ham! Do you need it?
    The other Linda

  7. Yes, Linda. How did you know?

  8. Linda, I also enjoy reading your blogs. You have such a unique perspective on life, even after all you have been through. I love the fact you are so funny. Jo Kelley

  9. Sweet Jo! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  10. Love all your blogs...I have tried to post here before with no luck so we'll see what happens this time. Gail Uranga

  11. So I wrote this really fabulous post yesterday, and it supposedly posted. No. Ugh! I love you. I tried. :/

  12. But today you were successful! I love you more.

  13. So I wrote this really fabulous post yesterday about how awesome you are and how even though I would LOVE a giftcard, I love you waaaaaaay more! And how I sure hope Jesus lets Jack get a glimpse or two every now and then. You are too good. :) Maybe this one will post--and heck, maybe I'll win!! Haha!!

  14. Linda, I have also attempted to comment in the past, but always fail. I shall try again as I think your blog is so funny and clever. I enjoy your perspective on this journey we call "life". Thanks for sharing yourself and your love for Jesus. Plus, you are one of my favorite patients! Belinda

  15. Time to start writing your book. You can give my gift card to any charity. xoxo

  16. Linda, I love reading your blogs!!!! Becky

  17. I ALWAYS read your blog, and enjoy it tremendously!

  18. I don't know how I am able to comment. I just did once and now it is automatic. Love you Linda, and your blog.

  19. Linda, I always enjoy your Exclamation Point Life! In fact, you inspired me to become a blogger myself. Thanks for all the clever, thoughtful posts. And I love your Proverbs posts, too! Have a great week! Jamie Laman

  20. I'm now on my computer. Your blogs make me chuckle, and I enjoy them immensely. YOU ARE A JOY, LINDA!

  21. Oh, my! Now I have another problem. I love all of you and your comments SO MUCH. I want all of you to win.


